SHIFTPOD MINI Review: The Burn 2019

When I saw that SHIFTPOD had released a MINI version of their tent I was so excited because not only is it more affordable, but it's also is much lighter and easier to travel with (hello Afrika Burn!)

Watch my video to see my first impressions of the SHIFTPOD MINI:


  1. Read the instructions before you try and set it up. Much like any other tent you need to open the door before you can get it open. Like an idiot I totally skipped this step and made things more difficult. 

  2. You should put a tarp down, then open the ShiftPod, THEN zip on the floor. It's a very simple process, but doing it out of order could result in dust in your tent.

  3. It is really easy to set this tent up, and break it down.

  4. The "vent" for the A/C in the video isn't for A/C, it is actually for power cords. The MINI is not designed for A/C unlike the full-size SHIFTPOD 2.0.


I set this up in the hot Georgia sun, and I was very impressed that it remained tolerable inside the tent. However, much like my other SHIFTPOD review, I still recommend getting a shade structure for very hot climates like Black Rock Desert. 


This is probably what you're wondering about the most. Let me just summarize by saying, I really think this is a one person tent. The SHIFTPOD MINI is all about ease of use, an alternative for traveling burners, and/or those on a budget. As far as head clearance goes, I am 5'1" and I could stand in the middle of the tent with a few inches to spare, but most people aren't as short as me. You could fit a twin air mattress and some bins comfortably in the tent, but that is about it, so if you are a couple contemplating the SHIFTPOD MINI, just make sure you really like each other. 


The SHIFTPOD MINI packs down to 8"x8"x40" which means you can check this onto your flight! Set up it measures 6'x6' and as I mentioned in my video about 5'3" at the center of the tent. It also has SHIFTPOD's advanced super composite UV reflective and thermal materials to regulate the temperature during the day and night.


All of the "cons" associated with the traditional SHIFTPOD like the weight and size of the tent are negated with the MINI. You just trade space for ease of use. Bottom line: this tent is totally worth it for the dust-free design, reflective fabric, high-end construction, and how simple it is to set up.

Dusty Depot is a participant in the Shift Pod Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Translation: If you buy a SHIFTPOD after navigate there from my site, I might make a little money.