Temperatures can drop significantly at night on the Black Rock Desert, and while you may be smart have pack a playa coat, you won't want to wear a heavy coat the entire time you are out. So I've organized a variety of outfits based on events, themes, and color that will be sexy, but warm.
Whether you opt to be nude, or you get styled to the neck, the citizens of black rock desert love to express themselves through their fashion. While the styles have changed over the years, and some things like tutus are a playa staple that you can not leave at home, other looks come and go. If you want to have the latest looks when you arrive at the burn, here are the top ten fashion trends for the burn in 2018.
Adriana, aka Dusty Princess and Greg took their ShiftPod to the playa for the first time this year. They came prepared with everything from a swamp cooler to a closet. See some photos below where I point out a few items that made the difference.
When I saw that SHIFTPOD had released a MINI version of their tent I was so excited because not only is it more affordable, but it's also is much lighter and easier to travel with (hello Afrika Burn!)
Watch my video to see my first impressions of the SHIFTPOD MINI:
There are so many ways you can interpret this year's Burning Man theme: I, Robot. If you want to see some complete outfits check out my blog with a variety of interpretations for I,Robot.
Below I've pulled together some ideas and base pieces for building a variety of different robot themed outfits.
Officially, Wednesday is just another day on the playa, but for lots of burners Wednesdays are for wearing white. Participation ranges from the subtle to the outrageous. So grab some white wings, a white bikini, some white boots, and show just how angelic you can be.
Every year Burning Man releases a new theme that is meant to inspire the art and inspiration for the burn that year. One of the most fun ways to participate in the theme is to create outfits based on that year's theme.
While I, Robot might inspire images of tin man and C3PO, and who doesn't love a shiny outfit, the organizers have asked people to be inspired by current and future technologies (including robots).
If you find yourself in the south, as I did, may I suggest you make your way to the Georgia and visit the Alchemy Burn. This local burn is located just a few hours outside of Atlanta and this year was hosted in a new location, on an open field surrounded by a dense forest.
In the days and weeks leading up to the burn you may start hearing about how alkaline the dust is and that your hair or skin may dry out in these harsh weather conditions. Most burners after their first burn create a plan leading up to the burn so they can limit their exposure once on playa.
Having a bicycle at the Burn is something I recommend to everyone. Anything with knobby tires can handle the terrain, but if you want to ride with style I've put together this short tutorial with suggestions for customizing your playa bike:
Before my first burn I was told that it was impossible to have fresh fruit or vegetables because they would go bad. So I spent an unhappy week eating canned food and dried fruit. Fast forward to the next year when my friend, who is a vegan chef, showed up with four coolers to feed three people and force fed me kale for an entire all week.
I searched high and low to find the best instructions to add El Wire to my new (Goodwill scored) playa coat. When I didn't find anything simple I decided it was time to write my own blog.As I've mentioned in previous blogs, having a long, very warm playa coat is critical for late night excursions, but sometimes you are just going out for a few hours, and hauling around a huge coat that is unnecessarily warm just doesn't make sense.
I can appreciate the crafting that goes into some of the goggles that I see on the playa. But I have to be honest, I don't have $100+ to spend on a pair of goggles that I use once a year. Tragically I lost my goggles last year, and so this year I decided to take the leap and decorate my own pair.
One of the tents that recently hit the market and has been making a big splash on the playa is the Shift Pod. Now, full disclosure, I have not camped in a Shift Pod before. But I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so I reached out some experienced burners to ask them what they thought of their Shift Pod tent. Here's what they had to say:
If you're anything like me, you prefer to maintain some level of comfort in your surroundings regardless of where you are. When it comes to tent comfort at the burn, I don't expect the Four Seasons, but I do want to get a decent night's sleep, and not be covered in dust every morning. Assuming you are using a tent at the burn, here are the things I bring to create comfortable living accommodations:
While gifts aren't expected on the playa, it isn't uncommon to meet people who have brought special items to give to their fellow burners. It can be especially nice to have items on hand when someone is generous with you, or just brightens your day. This craft is so easy, and relatively inexpensive.
I know old school burners love to talk about the good old days, which seemed to have no rules and people shooting guns out of moving cars and trips to the hot springs that have since been closed. But as things evolve, so do the costs. So, I have broken down what it actually costs to go to Burning Man:
When it went to my first Burn I was fashion aspirations were overly ambitious to say the least. Contrary to what I thought my days would be like, I found myself spending most of my days in outfits that were more comfortable, and easy to bike in. So below I'm sharing the five staple fashion items that I wear burn after burn, even as my handmade pieces come and go.
If you're looking for a way to amp up your look at Burning Man, here is a simple step-by-step guide for creating your own feather collar. I borrowed half of the items on the list from friends, and found old buttons on a shirt from GoodWill, so get resourceful when finding what you need:
There are only two things you can buy at the burn: ice and coffee. If you didn't bring it, you can't buy it. A common misunderstanding about the burn is that the city is built on a barter system. The truth is, the city is built on a gifting model, and this works because everyone tends to bring enough, and then share with those around them.
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Preparing for the burn can, at times, feel overwhelming. Packing lists can grow to hundreds of items, and if you're on a budget, you may start to question what you can omit from the list. But there are some things you just can't do without, which is why I've created a round up of the ten most critical items you need for your burn. These things don't necessarily have to be bought, many of them can be borrowed, but none of them should be left behind.
For the yet to be christened burner, and even those with some experience, choosing outfits can be time consuming and perhaps a bit stressful. Choosing a wardrobe is hard enough, before you even consider that there are lots of events like the Billion Bunny March, White Wednesday, and Tutu Tuesday that you only hear about once on playa. Of course you could probably borrow a set of bunny ears or a spare tutu, but if you're anything like me, you prefer to be prepared. It's all about self-reliance right?