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Metamorphoses: Top Ten Fashion Trends at The Burn

Metamorphoses: Top Ten Fashion Trends at The Burn

Whether you opt to be nude, or you get styled to the neck, the citizens of black rock desert love to express themselves through their fashion. While the styles have changed over the years, and some things like tutus are a playa staple that you can not leave at home, other looks come and go. If you want to have the latest looks when you arrive at the burn, here are the top ten fashion trends for the burn in 2018.

I, Robot: Men's Outfits for The Burn 2018

I, Robot: Men's Outfits for The Burn 2018

Every year Burning Man releases a new theme that is meant to inspire the art and inspiration for the burn that year. One of the most fun ways to participate in the theme is to create outfits based on that year's theme.

While I, Robot might inspire images of tin man and C3PO, and who doesn't love a shiny outfit, the organizers have asked people to be inspired by current and future technologies (including robots). 

Ten Tips for First Time Burners

Heeeeey virgin! You, yeah you! If you haven't been to Burning Man you are still an uninitiated virgin. And unlike high school where that word would garner you all kinds of attention, at the burn, we love our virgins. Yell it loud and proud that it's your first time, and keep these ten things in mind:

  1. Be teachable. Remember the first time you had sex? No matter how good it felt, you still had no idea what you were doing. So listen to the veterans, they are to help and occasionally fuck with you. There are ten principles for a reason, and Burning Man only works when they are heeded.

  2. Give yourself enough time! Don't skimp on the number of days you spend at the burn. Soak it up! Show up on Sunday and watch the city grow into a frenetic party by Saturday. And don't skip the temple burn, it is one the most sacred burns you will ever watch.

  3. Take time to prepare. There are tons of blogs and packing lists online that share different tips and tricks on how to burn, and while we do our best here at Dusty Depot to provide all that information, we still recommend you take the time to research and prepare to have the best burn possible.

  4. Participate! Wear artistic outfits, help with art, go to lectures, burn something in the temple, dance when you feel like it. There is no point watching everyone else play while you wait for an invitation.

  5. Self Care! Don't skimp on sleep. The burn is a marathon, not a sprint so plan to have a great time, but also bring ear plugs, and a good eye mask. Eat right. Everyone does the burn a little differently when it comes to food, but whatever you do, don't skip meals too frequently. The burn is hard on your body, and not nourishing it can have serious consequences.

  6. Hydrate! Just like food, you will need to drink lots of water and electrolytes.

  7. Make plans for your accommodations. During your week on the playa you will need a place to change your costumes, get some sleep, and you might even want a place to retreat for a few hours to recharge. Do yourself a favor and create a dust free environment to stay in, whatever that looks like.

  8. Learn the language. There is a culture to the burn, from the principles we stand for, to the language we speak. The burn isn't a festival, it's a community, and you are about to become its newest member. You should know what moop is, why you shouldn't be a darktard, and what a shirt cocker is.

  9. Be prepared to miss something. The burn is massive! With hundreds of pieces of art, music, and festivities. Just remember that where ever you find yourself on the playa, you are in the right place.

  10. Take risks. Watch the sunrise, fall in love, cry, release something, become a better you. The burn is a place to evolve, so come in with an open heart to what is possible.

Read: The 10 Things Every Burner Needs

Read: Top Ten Fashion Trends for 2017

Read: How to Stay Warm on the Playa

Playa Guide: Customizing Your Playa Ride

Playa Guide: Customizing Your Playa Ride

Having a bicycle at the Burn is something I recommend to everyone. Anything with knobby tires can handle the terrain, but if you want to ride with style I've put together this short tutorial with suggestions for customizing your playa bike:

Playa Guide: How to Eat Healthy at The Burn

Playa Guide: How to Eat Healthy at The Burn

Before my first burn I was told that it was impossible to have fresh fruit or vegetables because they would go bad. So I spent an unhappy week eating canned food and dried fruit. Fast forward to the next year when my friend, who is a vegan chef, showed up with four coolers to feed three people and force fed me kale for an entire all week.

Dusty DIY: How to Add El Wire to Your Playa Coat

Dusty DIY: How to Add El Wire to Your Playa Coat

I searched high and low to find the best instructions to add El Wire to my new (Goodwill scored) playa coat. When I didn't find anything simple I decided it was time to write my own blog.As I've mentioned in previous blogs, having a long, very warm playa coat is critical for late night excursions, but sometimes you are just going out for a few hours, and hauling around a huge coat that is unnecessarily warm just doesn't make sense.

Dusty DIY: How to Customize Your Goggles for The Burn

Dusty DIY: How to Customize Your Goggles for The Burn

I can appreciate the crafting that goes into some of the goggles that I see on the playa. But I have to be honest, I don't have $100+ to spend on a pair of goggles that I use once a year. Tragically I lost my goggles last year, and so this year I decided to take the leap and decorate my own pair.

Dusty DIY: Leather Covered Lighters as Playa Gifts

Dusty DIY: Leather Covered Lighters as Playa Gifts

While gifts aren't expected on the playa, it isn't uncommon to meet people who have brought special items to give to their fellow burners. It can be especially nice to have items on hand when someone is generous with you, or just brightens your day. This craft is so easy, and relatively inexpensive.

Playa Guide: Five Fashion Staples for Women

Playa Guide: Five Fashion Staples for Women

When it went to my first Burn I was fashion aspirations were overly ambitious to say the least. Contrary to what I thought my days would be like, I found myself spending most of my days in outfits that were more comfortable, and easy to bike in. So below I'm sharing the five staple fashion items that I wear burn after burn, even as my handmade pieces come and go. 

Dusty DIY: How to Make a Feather Collar

Dusty DIY: How to Make a Feather Collar

If you're looking for a way to amp up your look at Burning Man, here is a simple step-by-step guide for creating your own feather collar. I borrowed half of the items on the list from friends, and found old buttons on a shirt from GoodWill, so get resourceful when finding what you need:

Radical Ritual: Top 5 Women's Outfit Ideas for The Burn

Radical Ritual: Top 5 Women's Outfit Ideas for The Burn

This year's art theme is Radical Ritual, and according to the organizers, they are inviting "participants to create interactive rites, ritual processions, elaborate images, shrines, icons, temples, and visions.”

What better way to participate in the art at Burning Man than donning costumes that pays homage to the sacred and the sacrilegious.

Playa Guide: How to Stay Warm

Playa Guide: How to Stay Warm

When it comes to weather, most people who have never been to Burning Man think about how to deal with the heat. And what they don't realize is that there is a good chance they will also have to deal with the cold. Before you fill up your suitcase with bikinis and tank tops, you need to consider how you are going to stay warm when the temperatures drop into the 40s and your shivering in deep playa.